500 Hours YTTC

Enroll in our 500-hours advanced yoga teacher training course to learn various yoga skills and benefits. Nepal Yoga School in Pokhara provides you traditional Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and multi-style yoga teachings in its Yoga Alliance-certified teacher training program

200 hour yoga teacher training in nepal

Deepening insight and increasing flexibility

“Combining aspects from both 200-hour and 300-hour programs, this advanced yoga course is ideal for students wishing to move seamlessly from beginner to advanced practice in a shorter length of time.”

Let’s dive into`

Introduction To 500 Hours Certified Yoga Teacher Training

Visit Nepal Yoga School in Pokhara, for our highly regarded certified advanced yoga teacher training program. From beginners to experienced yoga practitioners, our 500-hour course has been carefully crafted to accommodate persons of all skill levels. Major objective of advanced yoga teacher training course is to improve your physical well-being, mental clarity, and emotional equilibrium so that you can discover who you really are and overcome life ;s challenges with comfort. 500-hour yoga teacher training in Pokhara, Nepal is perfect for you if you want to be a professional yoga master or you don;t care about certification want to spend peaceful holiday or want to discover the peaceful and relaxing and spirituallife ahead.

We prioritize quality education, focusing on depth rather than length. Come to Pokhara for a life-changing advanced yoga teacher training that promises to raise your awareness, release past wounds, and purify your soul from negative influences. Located in the peaceful surroundings of Pokhara, Nepal Yoga School provides a picturesque setting ideal for learning yoga. Our center is conveniently situated near downtown Phewa Lake, offering plenty of chances to participate in meditation, pranayama, philosophy, self-healing, and spirituality. You will explore various types of yoga and its techniques, such as alignment principles, yoga sequences, and meditation practices. Embrace the practice of being mindful and discover the transformation of yoga and enhance own life.

Acquire the skill of detachment to go beyond the illusions of life and gain a deeper insight into the true nature of existence. Yoga encourages you to broaden your consciousness and adopt a life filled with beauty, thanks, mindfulness, elegance, and ecstasy in line with its fundamental principle of "union" with self. Engage with your innermost being and begin a rewarding adventure of self exploration and individual development with our guidance. There is ample opportunity to deepen your understanding meditation, pranayama (life-energy), philosophy, self-healing, spirituality, weaved into the course with alignment, yoga flow with multi-style of yoga etc.

Reasons to Choose Us for 500 Hours certified YTT


Yoga Instructors

Award winning yoga teachers form various universities as well as classical backgrounds from Himalayas, caves and jungles. Teachers with an experience over a decade and expertise in related fields


Authentic Yoga

Preserving original yoga forms without modernizing and twisting from ancient forms



Yoga school with a history of initiating meditation, philosophy, chanting, relaxation, detox, banda mudras and many more


Safety and Comfort

Safe and comforting environment with great hospitality


Close to Nature

Close to the nature, Phewa Lake, jungle and Pokhara city


Yoga Hub

Pokhara as the yoga hub and Nepal yoga school is pioneer center of yoga


Holistic Health

Course not only focuses on teaching, but also trauma management, mental health, self-discovery and self-realization


Traditional Healing

Various healing services like reiki, singing bowl, reflexology, panchakarma, massage, sauna, steam and many more


Yoga Alliance Certified

Nepal Yoga School guarantees its graduates; eligibility to Yoga Alliance. Nepal Yoga School follows rules established by Yoga Alliance, ensuring that upon completion of our program, you will be qualified to register as a yoga trainer in yoga alliance.


Hone Your Existing Abilities

The 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training course offers purest yoga forms and is beneficial for various yoga practices. For individuals who wish to learn more about all facets of yoga, including advanced asanas, pranayama methods, meditation, and yoga philosophy, this complete yoga training course is ideal. Nepal Yoga School accepts learners at all levels, whether they wish to hone their existing abilities or pick up new ones including alignment, sequencing, and amending techniques for efficient teaching.


Boosts Your credibility

The training provides significant professional advantages. Upon completion, graduates receive certification from Nepal Yoga School which is registered under Yoga Alliance, using this certification you can registered to Yoga Alliance which makes you recognized yoga teachers worldwide. This credential boosts credibility in the yoga community and creates opportunities in specialized areas such as Hatha yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Kundalini, meditation, breathing, chanting, and relaxation techniques. Having 500 hours course there is always high opportunity comparing 200 hours. So we created the opportunity to join direct 500 hours without having 200 hours yoga teacher training before.


Spiritual & Professional Development

Participants also develop leadership skills to mentor others and build their own yoga communities. Beyond its intensive 29-day schedule, Nepal Yoga School fosters enduring relationships with students, offering ongoing support for both spiritual and professional development. Furthermore, the program includes essential business training to help participants advance their yoga careers and contribute meaningfully to the global yoga community.

More On Why 500 Hours YTT in Nepal Yoga School


Opt for Nepal Yoga School for your 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training and become a certified instructor with a comprehensive understanding of yoga. Our program includes diverse classes such as multi-style yoga asana, meditation, pranayama, chanting, relaxation, yoga detox, anatomy, and yoga philosophy. Whether you’re starting out, at an intermediate level, or advanced, our training in Pokhara, Nepal caters to all.

You will get major knowledge that goes beyond temporal limitations in just one month. Beyond information, this training improves awareness, focus, and consciousness while promoting self-control and self-discipline. Develop a close relationship with your mind, body, emotions, and consciousness. Acquire the capacity to separate fact from fiction and deal calmly with life’s obstacles.

Nepal Yoga School respects and embraces all religious traditions and backgrounds, welcoming everyone with an inclusive spirit. Our program supports you in developing your unique teaching styles in yoga and meditation. Benefit from daily sessions of hatha and Vinyasa yoga flow, as well as advanced asana practice, enriching your yoga journey. Enroll at Nepal Yoga School to receive advanced yoga education that prepares you to excel as a skilled yoga teacher, equipped to guide others on their own yoga paths.


  • Comprises of well experienced and trained yoga instructors who ensure that the students learn all the important aspects of yoga.
  • Imparted teaching by highly professional yoga gurus so be confidence about your learning.
  • Accommodated rooms according to your requirements. All the rooms come with an attached clean western style bathroom, 24-hour hot and cold water supply, filtered drinking water, and a clean hill and lake view from the balcony.
  • Nepal Yoga School provides a well-designed and structured and updated yoga teacher training course and syllabus
  • Reasonable and affordable pricing offered in Pokhara, Nepal
  • Enthralling experience at Nepal Yoga School which offers loving and caring spiritual and home like safe, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere
  • Nepal Yoga School provides Nepali, cultural, yogic, healthy vegetarian nourishing meals including package cost
  • Best yoga course that gives you completely self-transforming learning experiences.
  • Study material and yoga props are provided by school
  • Far from hustle and bustle of city
  • 500 hours advance yoga teacher training is eligible to register as yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance upon completion
  • Enough discourse, celebration, chanting, dancing and laughter yoga
  • One Himalayas trip to see sunrise and beautiful Himalaya
  • Covering each and every aspect of traditional yoga
  • Best class location to learn yoga is at the foothill of the Himalayas
  • Daily yoga and meditation class
  • Learn the art of teaching and yoga philosophy

More Student facilities

Other facilities at Nepal Yoga school

Getting Eco friendly Environment

Students are provided air conditioned room, beautiful and wide yoga hall, lobby. Natural space eco-friendly and environmentally peaceful surroundings to cope with the yoga and meditation. Indoor and outdoor space for yoga practice are available.

Rooftop Accessible

Rooftops are accessible for both self- practice and supervised training

Extra Services

In requirement medical assistance, Ayurveda doctors, tour and trek assistance will be provided by yoga school. In additional cost you can join panchakarma detox, massage, sirodhara, steam bath, sauna, reiki healing, sound healing and many more

Safety First

The area is safe, secured with CCTV

500 Hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus


Course covered for 500 hours Yoga teacher training course

The 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training program offered by Nepal Yoga School is a carefully planned and organized yoga curriculum that includes a wide range of yoga postures, from beginner to expert. A 500-hours advanced yoga teacher training program offers a broad spectrum of poses. You will become proficient in both Ashtanga and Hatha yoga poses. You study 500 hours of advanced yoga teacher training and learn how to modify some of the most common postures. You will study the basic series first, then the intermediate series, and then, through textbook practice, the advanced series. You can improve your practice by thoroughly investigating advanced poses, their alignments, advantages, and contraindications.

Being able to adapt and change postures for students with different skill levels to learn effective sequences for different levels makes you feel good about yourself.

  • Micro yogic exercises (Mobility)
  • Meditative pose asanas
  • Relaxing group of postures
  • Dynamic posture and Yogic warm up
  • Sun and moon salutation
  • Regular Hatha Yoga flow
  • Regular Astanga Vinyasa Flow
  • Drisyti, banda and breathing process of posturs
  • Benefits, contra indication and chakra awareness of posture
  • Yoga postures with adjustment and alignment
  • Basic acro yoga
  • Basic props yoga including yoga belt, bolster, cushion, wall etc
  • Gentle yoga flow and restorative yoga
  • Basic Yin yoga
  • Standing yoga poses
  • Balancing postures
  • Seated postures
  • Prone postures
  • Supine postures
  • Back-bend postures
  • Inversions
  • arm strengthening posture
  • Core strengthening postures
  • Down dog group of posture
  • Seated posterior stretch sequences
  • One leg yoga sequences
  • lotus group of posture
  • Vajrasana group of posture
  • Full primary series of yoga will be taught covering following postures

Padahasthasana, Utthita trikonasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, Utthita parsvakonasana, Parivrtta parsvakonasana, Prasarita padottanasana a, b, c, and d, Parsvottanasana, Eka pada adangusthasana a, b, c, and d, Ardha baddha padmottanasana, Utkatasana, Virabhadrasana a and b, Dandasana, Paschimottanasana a, b, c, and d, Purvottanasana, Ardha baddha padma uttanasana, Triangmukhaikapada pashimottanasana, Janu sirsasana a, b, and c, Marichyasana a, b, c, and d, Navasana, Bhujapidasana, Kurmasana, Supta kurmasana, Garbha pindasana, Kukkutasana, Baddha konasana a and b, Konasana, Upavishta konasana, Supta konasana, Supta padangusthasana a and b, Ubhaya padangusthasana, Urdhva mukha pashimottanasana, Setu bandhasana, Urdhva dhanurasana, Salamba sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana, Urdhva padmasana, Matsyasana, Urdhva padmasana, Sirsasana, Urdhva dandasana, Baddha padmasana, Yoga mudra, Uplutih, Savasana.

Intermediate Postures

Pasasana, Krounchasana, Shalabhasana A, B, Bhekasana, Dhanurasana, Parsvadhanurasana, Ustrasana, Laghu Vajrasana, Kapotasana, Supta Vajrasana, Bakasana, Bharadvajasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Ekapada Sirsasana A, B, C, Dwipada Sirsasana B, Yoga Nidrasana, Tittibhasana A, B, C, Pincha Mayurasana, Karandavasana, Mayurasana, Makarasana, Vatayanasana, Parighasana, Gomukhasana A, B, C, Supta Urdhvapada Vajrasana A, B, Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D, Urdhva Dhanurasana, Drop back to Urdhva Dhanurasana, Paschimottanasana, Salamba Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana, Urdhva Padmasana, Pindasana, Matsyasana, Uttana Padasana, Shirshasana, Baddha Padmasana, Yoga Mudra Padmasana, Uth Pluthi (Tolasana), Shavasana.

You will learn following Hatha yoga postures

Trikonasana, Parsvokonasana, Privarta Trikonasana, Privarta Parsvokanasana, Virbhadrasana A, B, C, Ardha chandrasana, Chaturangadandasana, Mathchendrasana A, B, C, Adra Ustrasana, Salabhasana, Setabandasana, Gatyatmak Paschimottasana, Pada prasar Paschimottasana, Saithalyasana, Sarvangasana, Core exercises, 2nd week, Surya namaskar A, B (Ashtanga), Chandra namaskar (Hatha), Standing, Veerbhadrasana A, B, C, Trikonasana, Parsvottanasana, Parsvokonasana, Privirta Trikonasana, Privirta Parsvokonasana, Ardha chandrasana, Utthita hasta padangusthasana, Natrajasana, Vriksasana, Garudasana, Eka pada uttanasana, Natavarasana, Tandavasana, Eka padasana, Vatayanasana, Pada angushtasana, Baka dhyanasana, Eka pada baka dhyanasana,  Eka hasta bhujasana, Santolanasana, Vashisthasana, Poorna matsyendrasana, Marichyasana C, D, Eka pada rajakaputasana, Raja kaputasana, Poorna ustrasana, Dhanurasana, Poorna shalabhbasana, Poorna chakrasana, Parighasana, Koormasana, Upavistakonasana, Ubhaya padangustasana, Urdvamukha , aschimottasana, Hanumanasana, Bhoonamansana, Laguvajarasana, Badhakonasana, Vishwamitrasana, Kashyapasana, Inverted asanas, Bhumi padamastakasana, Vipreetakarani Asana, Sarvangasana, Padma Sarvangasana, Halasana, Ardha padma halasana, Sirshasana Salamba, sirshasana, Niralambasana, Urdhwa padmasana, Leg stretching poses etc.


There is no better art of calm than meditation. Beyond all other activities, meditation is the only path to ultimate tranquility for individuals. People eventually need to practice meditation in order to attain true tranquility because, although they may experience temporary pleasures, they are unable to find true, eternal bliss. When you meditate, you can build a calming energy field around yourself no matter where you go. Meditation creates positive vibrations and an aura surrounding the body. The ability of meditation to produce profound calm, which feeds the brain and all of the cells. Sitting still and allowing the mind to empty and quiet down is the practice of meditation.

A yogi can connect to global energy by connecting their soul to cosmic energy while their mind is quiet. Thus, the process of charging involves meditation. Just as we charge our phones, we also need to charge our minds and souls. In order to increase productivity, meditation maintains mental tranquility and can provide a level of brain relaxation that is deeper than even the deepest sleep. The term “meditative state” refers to the quiet, steady, and peaceful state of mind that results from the mind being freed from agitation. In Pokhara, the 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training program will include the theme of meditation.

  • Introduction to meditation (What is Meditation)
  • What is mind and its role in meditation?
  • Nature of mind and why it is restless?
  • What is Concentration?
  • Difference between concentration and meditation.
  • Fundamental importance of meditation.
  • Types of meditation
  • Anapana Meditation
  • Body Awareness Meditation
  • Mind Awareness Meditation
  • Breathing Awareness Meditation
  • Om Meditation
  • So-Ham Meditation
  • Mantra Meditation Practices
  • Guided meditation
  • Trataka meditation
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Art of self-silence Practice
  • Yog nidra (Yogic Relaxation)
  • Walking meditation
  • Vipassana meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Five sense meditation
  • chakra meditation
  • Kundalini meditation
  • Sound healing meditation
  • Kirtan Spiritual Dancing Meditation
  • Walking Meditation
  • Self-Surrender Meditation


The word pranayama is derived from the terms pranayama, which means “life force” or “vital energy,” and yama, which means “expansion.” The yoga science of pranayama is the deliberate use of breath and oxygen to increase and control life force. The breathing technique known as pranayama aids in the development of prana (life energy). The primary means of clearing blockages in the hundreds of subtle energy channels known as “nadis” and energy centers known as “chakras” is through the flow of prana, or oxygen.

During our 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training program, we place a strong emphasis on pranayama so that students can experience the effects of prana in their bodies and minds. Pranayama, according to Nepal Yoga School, provides a solid basis for meditation and mental liberation.

An individual’s energy and mental tranquility are determined by the amount and caliber of prana that passes through their nadis and chakras. The mind remains peaceful, optimistic, and harmonious when prana is at a high level and flows continuously, smoothly, and steadily. Pranayama is the perfect practice if you want to keep healthy energy and a serene mind.

  • Introduction of pranayama
  • Postures for breathing -Easy pose, Half-lotus, Swastikasana etc
  • General guidelines and discipline of pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • How pranayama effects happiness
  • Awakenig nadi and channel
  • 5 kind of Prana and function over the body
  • Swar yoga (Prana and it routes)
  • Prana & Consciousness
  • Number of breaths we take
  • Health parameter with breath length
  • Pranava Pranayama (Om Meditation Breathing)
  • Clavicular breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Yogi breathing
  • Natural breathing
  • Dirga swasa praswasa
  • Anulom-Vilom Pranayama
  • Nadi – sodhana Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayam
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Surya – bhedi Pranayama
  • Chandra – bhedi Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranamaya
  • Agnisara Pranayama
  • Variation of pranayama
  • Teaching practicing on Pranayama etc

Yoga philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

Yoga philosophy study, or yoga ‘darshan’ as it is called in Sanskrit, means’seeing reality.’ Through examining every aspect of yoga, it offers a thorough self-understanding. Using ancient yoga scriptures to guide pupils through the philosophy of life allows for a profound sense of existence. The 500-hours advanced yoga teacher training program at Nepal Yoga School combines the eightfold path of yoga with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to help students live genuinely yogic lives. Participants in this life-changing, month-long advanced course are completely immersed in the conceptual and practical facets of yoga.

  • What is Yoga?
  • Yoga history and lineage of yoga
  • What is Yoga sutras and it’s fours Padas
  • 8 limbs of Yoga; Yama and niyama, Asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi
  • Introduction of Bhagavad Gita and it’s massage for yogi
  • Understanding all 4 paths of yoga; Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Dhayan Yoga
  • What is hatha yoga?
  • What is kundalini yoga?
  • What is mind, intellect and ego?
  • 4 aspects of the mind and its functions
  • Freedom from unhappiness
  • Realizing pure consciousness
  • Stories of the enlightened yogis and some biography
  • Principles of 5 basic elements and the 10 senses
  • Panchakoshas and it’s functionality
  • Triguna; Sattva, rajas, and tamas
  • Introduction to chakras and their functions
  • Diet and nutrition for a yogi
  • Daily lifestyle of a yoga student
  • How to develop the yoga career?
  • Presentation on any topic to the teacher

Yoga anatomy and physiology

Yoga posture trainees must comprehend the fundamentals of posture anatomy, motions, and the main bodily systems. During the 500-hour yoga teacher training program, the body components are covered and applied for safe and efficient practice and instruction.  The 500-hour YTTC covers the fundamentals of movement, mussels, and joints because anatomy is a broad subject. We will attempt to cover the yogic understanding of anatomy rather than medical anatomy.

The study of the nadi (energy channel), chakra (energy center), five kosha, or body sheaths, and other concepts is included in the actual anatomy of yoga.  Yoga anatomical knowledge facilitates the use of postures and breathing techniques. During 500-hour yoga teacher training program, the subject of yoga anatomy will be covered.

  • Introduction of yoga anatomy
  • Kundalini shakti introduction & function
  • Chakra introduction & function
  • Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
  • Prana introduction & importance in organ function
  • Panchakosha importance in function of the body
  • Directional terms of anatomy
  • Brief introduction of skeleton system & function
  • Introduction of joints and its major types
  • Anatomy of shoulder & function
  • Spine anatomy & function
  • Respiratory system introduction
  • Circulatory system importance
  • Digestive system and its function
  • Pelvic girdle introduction & function
  • Cells, Types of Tissues, Organs
  • Respiratory system and its function
  • The muscular system and major mussels
  • Endocrine system

Mantra for 500 hours YTTC

Yoga mantras are deeply meaningful in practice, each serving specific spiritual and personal development purposes. Om (Aum) resonates with universal consciousness, fostering positive energy. While the Gayatri Mantra encourages serenity, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra cures trauma. Om Mani Padme Hum promotes disengagement and leads to inner peace. Manipura bolsters confidence, Muladhara stabilizes, Swadhisthana inspires creativity, Anahata nurtures love, Vishuddhi improves communication, and mantras for the third eye and crown chakras develop spiritual consciousness. These are just a few examples of chakra-balancing mantras. The mantras Saraswati and Ganesh bring wisdom, Ganesh removes barriers, and Shanti brings peace. Shiva Mantra assists in spiritual emancipation, Durga Mantra honors feminine energy, Hanuman Mantra strengthens, Guru Mantra lowers ego, and Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu distributes love. Integrating these mantras into yoga enriches spiritual journeys and promotes overall well-being.

  • Om (Aum) for good vibration
  • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra for trauma
  • Gayatri mantra for peace
  • Om mani padme hum Mantra for non-attachment
  • Mantra for Muladhara Chakra
  • Mantra for Swadhisthana Chakra
  • Mantra for Manipura Chakra
  • Mantra for Anahata Chakra
  • Mantra for Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Mantra for third eye
  • Mantra for crown chakra
  • Saraswati Mantra for wisdom
  • Ganesh Mantra to remove obstacles
  • Shanti Mantra to create peace in around
  • Guru Mantra to remove ego
  • Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu for loving kindness
  • Hanuman Mantra to gain power
  • Durga Mantra to develop feminine energy
  • Lakshmi Mantra to be wealthy
  • Shiva Mantra for liberation

 Mudras (Yoga Gestures) & Bandas (Sheading of energy)

An intense, transformative, and thorough 500-hours advanced yoga teacher training program also uses banda and mudra to enhance and control pranic energy. You will experience yoga in a whole new way and advance your practice by incorporating banda and mudra with posture and breathing. Mudras are mostly hand gestures or body poses used in yoga and meditation to channel energy flow and increase the benefits of the practice. Mudras affect the physical, pranic, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of the body. These are some of the banda and mudra that you will study during your 500 hours of YTTC.

  • Introduction of Mudras
  • Fundamental importance of Mudras
  • Pranic mudra
  • Panchamahabhut mudra
  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Bhairavi Mudra
  • yoni mudra
  • Bramanjali mudra
  • Hakini Mudra (Gesture of the Mind and memory)
  • Bhairava Mudra (Fierce or Terrifying Mudra)
  • Bhairavi Mudra (Feminine Counterpart of Bhairava Mudra)
  • Hridaya Mudra (Heart Gesture)
  • Shambhavi Mudra (Eyebrow Center Gazing Gesture)
  • Nasikagra Mudra (Nose Tip Gazing Gesture)
  • Khechari Mudra (Gesture of Moving in the Space)
  • Kaki Mudra (Crow’s Beak Gesture)
  • Bhujangini Mudra (Serpent Gesture)
  • Maha Mudra (Great Gesture)
  • Maha Bheda Mudra (Great Piercing Gesture)
  • Maha Vedha Mudra (Great Perforation Gesture


Bandhas are locks on energy that release the body’s inherent energy. Bandas are employed in specific body parts to regulate and guide the flow of prana, or energy. They are used to improve mental acuity, emotional stability, physical strength, and spiritual development. These are the main bands that are included in the 500 hours of YTTC.

  • Mula Bandha (Root Lock)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock)
  • Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock)
  • Maha Bandha (The Great Lock)

Teaching Practice & Methodology

Those who are interested in teaching yoga can pursue a 500-hour teacher training program in Nepal. Students will receive feedback from instructors and fellow students at the conclusion of their yoga practice, enabling them to enhance their teaching. The Nepal Yoga School is based on the idea of teaching to learn. Teaching practices foster awareness during instruction, which may present students with chances for lifelong learning and professional growth. Teaching yoga is a fulfilling profession that cultivates students’ enthusiasm in lifelong learning and education. You will create lesson plans that are clearly organized and include a progression of poses along with some objects (blanks, straps, and blocks).

Encourage students to connect with their breath throughout the practice, emphasizing the importance of pranayama. You also can add pranayama at the end of posture can followed by short guided meditations or mindfulness practices that makes class effective. Art of relationship build up to your student to foster good relation will be taught. Following details will be covered in your yoga teaching.

  • How to make lesson plan
  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Time management for class
  • Major qualities and Behaviour of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observing, correcting
  • Art of Assistance, Instructions
  • Learning of alignment, adjustment

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a preventative and therapeutic method of well-being. For individuals in good health, yoga can be used as a preventative measure by fostering positive energy; for those in trouble, yoga can be used as a therapeutic tool. Distractions of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual kinds can all be avoided with yoga. Applying yogic concepts, practices, and procedures to eliminate toxins from the body prevents disease from developing is known as yoga therapy. Maintaining positive energy requires unblocking the flow of energy, which is the second yoga principle. A robust immune system and plenty of energy can help prevent health issues.

Most non-communicable diseases, such as back pain, stress, elevated or lowered blood pressure, heart problems, respiratory issues, sleep disorders, trauma management, female issues, obesity issues, eye conditions, digestive issues, etc., can be treated with yoga. You won’t receive in-depth information about illnesses and treatments; instead, you will gain a general understanding of yoga therapy and how to apply specific postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation techniques to address different types of problems. Throughout the 500-hour yoga teacher training course, the principles and concepts of yoga therapy will be demonstrated. therapy for common conditions such menstruation issues, depression, anxiety disorders, memory loss, back pain, arthritis, disc herniation, asthma, sinus, migraine, sleep disorder, IBS, constipation, and digestion-related issues.


Here is the Sample Daily schedule of 500 YTT:

Herbal tea and Shat Karma, a yoga cleansing technique, are optional and start the day early for students. The yoga instructors lead a hatha yoga flow class after this detoxifying yoga practice, such as a jala neti, kapalbhati or nauli kriya, which is followed by yoga flow then alignment and teaching exercises. Then a nutritious breakfast is given to the students. You have plenty of time after breakfast to rest, go for a stroll, get silence, study on your own, etc. Then, at 12:00 PM The students will receive Ashtanga, Vinyasa at noon, and then advance class will take place. Students will be given a nutritious yogic lunch at 2:00 pm, following which they will have free time to engage in personal social activities or work.

The yoga instructors teach a class on yoga anatomy or meditation following the free period. Following this session, a class using a hatha yoga text book will be held. There is a pranayama, meditation, and philosophy class in the evening. After a hearty dinner, students are free to engage in activities like dance or cultural exchange by them-self. Make sure you understand that this is only a general rough guideline for the day and will vary.  A 500-hour yoga teacher training course requires a strong will to improve one’s lifestyle and a high degree of positivity.

It’s essential to attend all yoga lessons in order to transform your life pattern and develop self-discipline at home.  This is a daily example of the 500-hour YTTC timetable at Nepal Yoga School.

Timetable of 500 YTT Program

  • 7:00 to 8:00 am – Yoga flow
  • 8:00 to 9:00 am – Text book, Detox and teaching practice
  • 9:00  to 10:00 am – Breakfast
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm – Free time/ hiking/ writing/ self-study
  • 12:00 to 1:00  pm – Sequence of posture/ Astanga Vinyasa
  • 1:00 to 2:00 pm – Iyengar Yoga
  • 2:00 to 3:00 pm –  Lunch
  • 3:00 to 4:00 pm –  Free time and self-exploration
  • 4:00 to 5:00 pm – adjustment, alignment, anatomy and yoga
  • 5:00 to 5:30 pm – tea and refreshment time
  • 5:300 to 6:30pm – Philosophy/ meditation / chanting
  • 7:00 pm – Dinner
  • 9:30 pm Lights Off

Note: Be sure this is just sample schedule, schedule can change according to topic, climate, teacher and other circumstances.

Included and Excluded

What is Included in Price:


  • 28 nights accommodation
  • 500 hours yoga and meditation training course
  • 3 times daily vegetarian meals and teas
  • Course material
  • Daily yoga practice
  • Certificate on completion
  • Yoga props
  • Yoga Shala
  • Free Wi-Fi

What is Excluded in Price:

  • Laundry
  • Sightseeing or trekking
  • Ayurveda and spa
  • Pick up and drop services (Service will provide in additional cost)
  • Extra expanses for shopping and personal interest.

Yoga Text Book Recommended to Read are:

  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Asana, pranayama, Bandha Mudra by Satyananda Saraswati
  • Course manual is provided to students during the course
  • Yoga mala – Sri Pattabhhi Jois
  • Light on yoga by B K S Iyengar
  • Light on yoga sutra by B K S Iyengar


Om Shanti! Shanti!!  Shanti!!!

Nepal Yoga School,

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